Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Sometimes, being a LOST fan sucks

Okay, so I'm home sick because I spent too much time this weekend being out in the cold with wet hair. And then I saw that the Golden Globe list came out today. I was like, "Oh, this should be interesting."

This pretty much sums up how I feel: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=60Yo5HKgAHI

Although, it's not as bad as I make it up to be. There are some pretty good nominations. Just...none for Lost. Although, is Lost still eligible because it ended in May 2010? I would think it would be, unless May was just too long ago for HFPA to remember. Which reminds me: I've been watching SO much 30 Rock while I've been sick, and I recently watched...well, whichever one it is that Jenna freaks out about having HFPA viewing Tracy's film.

I've also been watching the original Fullmetal Alchemist anime, and I'll get to that at the end, if I remember.

Okay. So Golden Globes! Ricky Gervais is hosting this year and let me just say this: Fuck.yeah. This is so beyond great that I can't even articulate it. Ohmygod. I know I said I'd never live blog again, but after learning that Ricky Gervais is hosting, I may even consider live blogging for the lulz. Awesome.

There's also (to my surprise although probably no one else's), the Social Network, and Jesse Eisenberg were nominated for Golden Globes as well. Actually, the entire 'Best Actor in a Drama' category is pretty lulzy. Ryan Gosling, James Franco, Mark Wahlberg and Colin Firth, in addition to one Mr. Jesse Eisenberg. Okay, so Colin Firth and Mark Wahlberg are fairly dramatic actors, for what it's worth. But this is the strangest collection of actors I have ever come across in my life.


Also: How To Train Your Dragon vs. Tangled vs Toy Story 3. That will be difficult. If you haven't seen any of these three movies yet, find a way to because they are fantastic. Also, The Illusionist is a movie that hasn't even come out yet. Congrats HFPA. Just when I think you can't go any lower, you do. Clap. Clap. (Point, point? :D) And then there's Despicable Me. But since it's not any of the three I mentioned above, it's not gonna win. I'm sorry.

Although, I think part of Toy Story 3's appeal is the nostalgia a majority of us have. We spent years attached to that film series. In fact, my age group (more particularly, kids 16-18)are getting ready for that first step off into college. Last June, I cleaned out my closet, and got rid of a bunch of old toys before seeing Toy Story 3. I was traumatized, to say the least. But they point is that we, like Andy, are growing up. And as Andy had to leave his crew of toys behind, so do we.

Excuse me, I need a tissue.

Okay, I'm back. Why does best comedy have six nominations, whereas best drama has five? I'm sorry, you couldn't just slip in Lost? [/embittered]

Yeah, I pretty much don't care after that. Enjoy your Golden Globes nominations, I'mma go take a nap.

1 comment:

  1. DUUUUDE, all of the actors up for Best Drama are AMAZING (except Marky Mark; ewwww). And most of them are none for their drama! Even James Franco! That was one of the only categories I found no faults with :(

    And before his "SWEAR TO ME *huff puff*" days Christian Bale was known to be a pretty good actor. *wipes tears*

    Oh also The Illusionist is French and HFPA are biased towards foreigners and I think it must have premiered at Cannes or something and it was written by Jacques Tati so obviously auto-nom'd. (It looks really good though.) Although I totally hate when these movies that haven't come out yet are nom'd, too. It's dumb.

    And you didn't talk about FMA. SOBBBB
